
Hello, my name is Jesse Shawl. This website is my little corner of the world wide web where I post notes about programming and computer-related things that I wish had existed before I wrote them.

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  1. dynamic @FetchRequest with MapKit and SwiftUI
  2. diy jwt signatures
  3. Just enough Java for Crafting Interpreters
  4. Require esm imports
  5. HTTP Authentication via SSH
  6. Recursive React Forms
  7. Dual Range Input
  8. Introducing Telephony.cc
  9. npm pack
  10. Recursive Vue Components
  11. Customize Rails Collection Checkboxes
  12. Cacheing API Calls
  13. Let's build a CRUD app with the Fetch API
  14. Express from Scratch
  15. Dependency Injection 101
  16. [book] The Art of Unix Programming
  17. Hoisting Can Be Dangerous
  18. Testing Webhooks Locally
  19. Alias Your Referral Codes
  20. Undo `git clean`
  21. Contributing to Ruby gems
  22. Mercurial for Git Evangelists
  23. Async API Calls with Pagination
  24. Interactive Rebasing Considered Harmful
  25. Rails JSON Virtual Attributes
  26. Link Workflow
  27. devbattle
  28. Dropdown change events and selectedIndex
  29. Self hosted project pages
  30. Jekyll 2.1.0 is out, and I'm a contributor
  31. Linode and The 10 Dollar Plan
  32. sudo npm install -g is an antipattern
  33. Clean up pull requests with git merge --squash
  34. Persistent git log with git loglive
  35. Repo Stats from the command line
  36. Clean up Commits with git cherry-pick -n
  37. A Better Git Log
  38. Warning! push.default is not set
  39. Practical Applications of Pseudo Elements and Classes
  40. When to Rebase
  41. Rethinking Dynamic Page Replacing Content

I also keep a list of my teaching experience.