~/ HTTP Authentication via SSH


Visit https://auths.sh/ and follow the command line instructions, or browse the source code, specifically:

Background and motivation

I've been working on https://proof.im/ and thinking about cooler ways to authenticate, as if authenticating with SSH private key signatures weren't cool enough already. The signature generation part still felt a little too geeky for me and I often have to reference the arcane ssh-keygen syntax to generate a signature.

It occurred to me that I could take advantage of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange to authenticate users without asking them to manually generate their own signatures and send them over HTTP.

How it works

Here's a super high level overview with more detail below:

  1. The web server generates a session secret and stores it in a cookie.
  2. The web server provides SSH instructions, passing the session secret as a command
  3. The ssh server handles the key exchange and stores the session secret with the user's public key
  4. The web server polls for the SSH connection with the session secret
  5. The web server sets a cookie and redirects to an authenticated page.

Generate a session secret

Nothing special here. Every request to https://auths.sh/ will generate a uuid and store the value in a cookie.

The web server tells the user to ssh in with the provided uuid as the SSH command, like:

ssh auths.sh 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

The cookie serves no purpose other than storing the session secret for subsequent requests. It's possible to skip the cookie entirely, but a cookie based session allows user-friendlier URLs like: https://auths.sh/session instead of something like


As an extra bonus, the session secret won't show up in the web server logs.

Poll for the SSH connection

It will probably take some time for the user to make the SSH connection, so the browser polls for the status of the SSH connection with the secret:

const int = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)

When the HTTP server responds with a 200, we know that the user has connected via SSH with the session secret and can now redirect them to an authenticated page.

The /status endpoint attempts to serve a file named /tmp/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 and responds with a 200 once the SSH server generates that file.

SSH in with the session secret

ssh auths.sh 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

The ssh server will know a couple of things at this point:

  1. The username - s.User()
  2. The user's public key - s.PublicKey()
  3. The session secret - s.Command()[0]

In addition, the SSH server can infer that the user is the original owner of the public key because - how else would they have completed the key exchange?.

Lastly, it's possible for someone to guess the session secret and use a different public key, but the session is relatively short-lived and UUIDs are hard to guess.

Map the session secret to the user's public key

The SSH server stores the session secret with the user's public key. In this demo, it looks like this:

type User struct {
Name string
PublicKey string

authorizedKey := gossh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(s.PublicKey())
d := User{Name: s.User(), PublicKey: strings.TrimSpace(string(authorizedKey))}
file, _ := json.MarshalIndent(d, "", " ")
os.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/%s", s.Command()[0]), file, 0644)

That is... write a json file named /tmp/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 with the contents:

"Name": "jesse",
"PublicKey": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGaGowvVxI4t5W+w6TCCxD4pEBHA3cb0wR63EGy3r4AI"

Redirect to an authenticated page

Remember the polling from before? A 200 status indicates the public key has been stored with the session secret, so we can safely redirect to a page that requires authentication.

if(response.status === 200){
response.json().then(d => {
window.location = '/session'

The web browser sends the session secret with the GET request, so the web server is able to identify the SSH user. Pretty cool.

Next steps

This is more or less a proof of concept for authenticating an HTTP session via SSH. I'm curious about updating the sign up process for https://proof.im/ to offer this auth mechanism.

I also want to read the following books to make sure my understanding of the key exchange doesn't leave a loophole where ssh'ers can forge a public key:

I'm also beginning to think about how other clients might integrate SSH-based HTTP authentication into their applications: right now, the public key is the unique identifier for a user, but I'm not sure there's anything I can send over HTTP that would be cryptographically verifiable. e.g. the SSH server knows the public key but doesn't expose anything that only the user could have provided, like a private key or signature. crypto/ssh has types for Signature but I think that's only used for signatures generated with the host private key.

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~/ Posted by Jesse Shawl on 2023-04-08