Generate n colors between two other colors
Middleware to make expressjs errors readable.
An ephemeral REST API for creating REST APIs.
Evaluate and share your JavaScript. View an Example
Send a direct message to the bot:
Walk the dog; at 5pm
Everything before the ";" is the reminder. Everything after the semi-colon is when the reminder will be sent back. The complete list of available time descriptions can be found here -
The bot will reply with your reminder at the specified time via direct message.
Duncan Graham and I built a beautiful interface to create and edit GitHub gists.
Inspect RESTful http requests, and be notified of new requests via websockets!
UpDog is a static website host, powered by DropBox
Bkbrnr is a place where I store all my project ideas. Some are just thoughts, others have repos and code, and a few are even deployed.
I wanted to enhance my Ruby skills by making a Sinatra app, so I built my own real-time Sass (and Less) compiler after listening to the server architecture talk on the Codepen radio.
The application sits behind an Nginx reverse proxy to the Unicorn server. In order to compile Less, requests are made to an express app listening for compile requests.
My Pocket runneth over, and I needed a one click solution to mark all of the items in my queue as read. There wasn't one, so I rolled my own with the Pocket API. Check it out!
This was my personal playground for exploring both the Instagram and Google Maps API's. It pulls in recent photos taken in DC and pins them on a google map.
I wanted to recreate the in-app exploratory experience of visualizing a collection of photos.