~/ Teaching
Wordpress Bootcamp
In this course you’ll develop a custom site starting from scratch. Basically, you’ll take a static front-end HTML/CSS template and do all the necessary magic to have that site running live and dynamic using Wordpress.
How to Work With and Build APIs
In this 2 hour workshop, we’ll discuss in depth how APIs work, and you’ll also have the opportunity to build your own API!
Blogging with Jekyll and Github
In this course, you'll be able to build a custom theme for your jekyll blog, author posts in markdown, organize and tag posts, use dynamic layouts across posts, and host your blog on GitHub.
Git Camp
Git camp is a collection of screencasts aimed at helping you up your git skills
Web Development Immersive
12 Weeks of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. All day, every day.
Back End Web Development
10 Weeks of Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
Front End Web Development
10 Weeks of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. All day, every Saturday.
Git for Designers
We'll be talking about what Git is, how to use it, and explore some (un)conventional uses for it. You'll learn how Git(Hub) works, and how you can start using it on your projects, for both version control & collaborating more effectively with the developers on your team.
CSS with Superpowers: Introduction to Sass and Compass
In this one-day workshop, we explored most of the things that Sass and Compass can do, and how it fits into a modern web development workflow.
CSS-Tricks: Rethinking Dynamic Page Replacing Content
In my spare time, I like to read articles and watch screencasts about all things web. I came across an older screencast by Chris Coyier, and thought of how I could improve upon his demo.
I tweeted about it, posted it on github, and before you know it, the CSS-Tricks founder asked me to contribute a guest post for the blog.
It's all about using modern technologies to enhance the user experience without leaving out those who use outdated technologies and browsers.
Getting Started with Python
I designed a curriculum for TutsPlus Premium, a popular learning resource for all kinds of work.
In this course, I teach the fundamentals of the Python programming language.
We start with a very basic "Hello World" and progress all the way to scraping websites using Object Oriented Programming techniques.
How to be a Terminal Pro
I'm that developer that looks for a command-line solution for just about everything. When TutsPlus tweeted about being in need of a Terminal instructor, I sent in a sample video about setting up SSH keys on Mac OS X, and they loved it! I really enjoy making these kinds of courses because I have 100% control over the material and the progression of the lessons. I was able to distill the most important and valuable things that I've learned and give that back to the community in screencast form. (I always find videos to be more helpful than text when it comes to programming)