I recently created a landing page for my jshawl.github.io domain and wanted to get all of my public repos from the github api.

At first, I considered writing a little ruby script, triggered by cron job that would fetch all of my repos and save the output as a JSON file.

This would allow me to reuse an existing codepen to display and filter all of my repos.

Instead, I thought I’d just use JavaScript™

Thinking Async

repos = [];
$.get('https://api.github.com/users/jshawl/repos', function( res ){
  repos.push( res );
console.log( repos ); // or render( repos );

This code won’t work as you might expect. Because the ajax call is asynchronous, the console.log( repos ) is called before the http request finishes its round trip.

I’ve got two options:

  1. Add the render logic to the ajax callback
    • hopefully, the pagination API calls will come back in the right order.
  2. Create my own callback to call a render method after everything is retrieved

It will be easier to maintain this site and reuse parts of its code if I separate my concerns and go with option 2. Also, using a callback means I’ll be able to manipulate or sort all of the data before rendering it on screen.

Put a Callback on it

function getRepos( url, repos, callback ){
  $.get( url, function( res ){
    res.forEach( function( repo ){
      repos.push( repo )

repos = [];
getRepos('https://api.github.com/users/jshawl/repos', repos, function(){
  console.log( repos );

Setting up a function and an anonymous callback ensures I can keep my render method outside of the ajax’s callback. This is important because I don’t want to call the render method each time an http request is successfully made. Ideally, I’d like to sort or filter the data before displaying the entire response.

Getting the next page

Getting the next page is just a matter of looking in the headers for a link with rel="next". If one is found, recursively find the next set of repos. If one is not found, call the callback to tell our first getRepos() call that all of the requests have completed.

Notice I’ve added two optional arguments to $.get’s anonymous callback. req contains the link for the next page.

function getRepos( url, repos, callback ){
  $.get( url, function( res, textStatus, req ){
    res.forEach( function( repo ){
      repos.push( repo )
    nextUrl = req.getAllResponseHeaders().match(/<(.*)>; rel="next"/);
    if( nextUrl ){
      getRepos( nextUrl[1], repos, callback );
    } else {

repos = [];
getRepos('https://api.github.com/users/jshawl/repos', repos, function(){
  console.log( repos );
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